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If you've ever doubted yourself for one second, this book is for you. If you have become cynical about other people's view of you when they tell you good things about yourself, this book is for you. Unstoppable Confidence gets to the core of your uniqueness and helps you gain the confidence and skills needed to sustain your confidence. The book is chock full of useful strategies on how to gain confidence in areas that seem insurmountable. Readers find the workbook style approach helpful to reaching goals with ease.

With an easy workbook format, Unstoppable Confidence will coach you at a pace that works for you. Coach Danyetta uses many of the topics in her book within her coaching sessions. They are proven to give you the results you are looking for in the area of confidence building.

Whether you work people and you are in the middle of a changing job description. Or you are being asked to assist others to build their community or "tribe" of people who share similar interests, Unstoppable Confidence will assist you in learning new skills to be better in your job!

Unstoppable Confidence can also help you in many other areas of your life. Whether you are in a new relationship, a new parent, or getting ready to begin a new project, Unstoppable Confidence will give you the tools you need.

This ebook includes a bonus Confidence Evaluator which is designed to give you an assessment of your current level of confidence. Complete this Confidence Evaluator before you read my book and apply what I'm suggesting for a few weeks.  Then take the Confidence Evaluator after and see the difference! 

Unstoppable Confidence: Sustaining a Posture for Success

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